This Changes Everything – Documentary about Global Warming

We are all part of this beautiful planet & we are all responsible to keep it healthy!

Also, I believe that if those with more wealth would take a little less and give a little more, the world be a different place.  Not just in global warming but in equality and peace, with less people feeling that they are deprived of basics that we take for granted: running water, warm water, electricity, central heating.

Screening November 28th 19h00 at AYP

This is why we decided to host a screening of this educational, inspirational and entertaining documentary about Global Warming.  All of us, doing yoga, know intimately that we are one with this world but sometimes we forget 🙂 .  This screening will allow us to share some time together to learn and reflect about our place on this planet that we share.  At the end of the film there will be time to discuss how we can together create a better world.

Nous organisons la projection d’un documentaire Ă©ducatif sur le Changement Climatique. Nous tous, qui faisons du yoga, savons intimement que nous faisons un avec ce monde, mais parfois on l’oublie :). Cette projection nous permettra d’ apprendre et de rĂ©flĂ©chir, ensemble, sur la place de chacun d’entre nous sur cette planète que nous partageons.  A la fin du film il y a aura du temps pour discuter et voir comment nous pouvons crĂ©er ensemble, un monde meilleur.

If you feel like donating, we are collecting for Vergers Urbains

Si vous souhaitez faire un don, nous collectons de l’argent pour cette organisation qui amène la nature dans nos centres urbains. Vergers Urbains