Second Series Poses

Shalabhasana Legs

When we start the intermediate series of Ashtanga Yoga we notice that it can teach us a lot about the primary series that we thought we had ‘mastered’.  For example, Shalabhasana, the second pose of the intermediate series (not to mention a pose that is done much earlier in many other forms of yoga), teaches …

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Titibhasana ~ Firefly

Hold on to your arms with the legs in this fun pose. The full position comes in second series but we can also use it as a challenging transition from bhujapidasana and supta kurmasana 🙂  Tenir sur les bras avec les jambes en l’air est une posture amusante Ă  faire.

Bakasana – The Crane or Crow Pose

A couple little tricks to work on this pose and jumping back. It’s a second series poses but it is also a transition option from bujapidasana and supta kurmasana.           Quelques petites astuces pour travailler sur cette posture et sauter vers l’arrière.


This is the second pose of the intermediate series.  After you have worked all those forward bends in the primary series for a long time hopefully you’ve lengthened the back of the legs enough to do this asana! Cette posture est la seconde de la sĂ©rie intermĂ©diaire. Après avoir travaillĂ© toutes ces flexions avant dans …

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The very first pose of the intermediate series is deceivingly difficult.  At first glance it seems like it’ll be a breeze but it is called ‘noose’ pose for a reason 🙂 . Think foundation before flexibility; meaning that finding the legs and balancing is more important than binding the twist.  Once you are strong enough …

Pashasana Read More »


In the Ashtanga System this is a Second Series Asana however, it can also be good for those we weak back muscles or too flat of a lumbar curve and it has a close relationship with a posture we all do a lot:  Upward Facing Dog / Urdhva Mukha Svanasana.  So whether you are working …

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