Primary Series Poses

YOUR Chaturanga Dandasana

Yoga asanas should not be forced, we are suppose to work on them step-by-step allowing our bodies to gradually develop the strength and flexibility needed to perform them.  Every asana cannot look the same for every individual.  To keep ‘ahimsa’ (nonharming) as one of the primary tenets of Ashtanga, we must adapt the pose to …

YOUR Chaturanga Dandasana Read More »

Marichyasana A, B, C

These 3 positions are essential in the ashtanga primary series to prepare the body for the more difficult positions that come later…kurmasana and supta kurmasana.  But only if they are worked intelligently. Deepening the twist in the core of the body with this simple but energizing twisting pose. Approfondissez le twist au centre du corps …

Marichyasana A, B, C Read More »


Linda’s giving step by step instructions on how to learn to get into this fun and challenging yoga pose.  Give it a try! Linda nous donne ici des instructions pour apprendre pas à pas comment aborder cette amusante et challenging posture. Essayez!

Jump Back Prep Work

A few prep exercises to train us to be able to jump back in between the sitting poses of Ashtanga… Quelques exercices de préparation pour pouvoir sauter en arrière entre les postures assises d’Ashtanga…


I remember when I learned this pose I couldn’t believe how hard it was on my arms.  Funny, now it feels stable and easeful; just as the yoga sutras describe asana should be.  But before that, there was a lot of commitment, discipline and challenge on those skinny arms of mine. Je me souviens quand …

Purvottanasana Read More »

Bakasana – The Crane or Crow Pose

A couple little tricks to work on this pose and jumping back. It’s a second series poses but it is also a transition option from bujapidasana and supta kurmasana.           Quelques petites astuces pour travailler sur cette posture et sauter vers l’arrière.