Nadi Shodhana

Sometimes this is called Anuloma Viloma or Alternate Nasal Breathing.This simple but soothing pranayama works on balancing the Ida and Pingala channels to bring the prana to the Sushumna and balances the 2 hemispheres of the brain.Also, Gerald talks about how to keep track of the number of rounds you do with a simple technique …

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Ujjayi Pranayama

Why do we do this Breathing Techniqueduring our Ashtanga Practice? Pourquoi nous utilisons cette technique de respiration pendant notre pratique de l’ashtanga vinyasa.

Brahmari Pranayama

This is a soothing pranayama for the overly active mind!  We produce a humming sound like a Bee. Vibration works on throat, head, mind and on a subtle level it works to awaken Ajna Chakra (the third eye).

Why Bandhas?

A short video describing some of the reasons whywe practice bandhas while doing ashtanga yoga. Une courte vidéo nous expliquant pourquoi nous travaillons les bandhas pendant la pratique de l’ashtanga yoga.

Mula Bandha

A short video on Mula Bandha:Our root lock to find grounding, centering, steadiness in our yoga asanas. Description du bandha principal utilisé en ashtanga yoga: mula bandha

Jalandhara Bandha

Just a clip about the bandha applied in pranayama during kumbhaka (breath retention). Une video au sujet des bandha pendant kumbhaka pranayama (rétention de la respiration).